Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Two Months

Another month has flown by with my girl.  This month's flower is the red hydrangea.  Google tells me that hydrangeas represent heartfelt sentiment, which seems appropriate because I love this baby with my whole heart. 

This month she's gotten to spend some time with family over the holidays, my mom during my first week back at work, and now a precious babysitter who daily sends me text messages about how cute she is.  (I never tire of receiving those messages!)  Even with all of the changes, she has remained our sweet and soft little lady, her fuzzy hair always sticking straight up, and her little thumb or fingers constantly trying to find their way into her mouth.  As a dentist, I suppose I was destined to have at least one child who sucks her thumb.

Happy 9th, baby doll.  I love you from the bottom of my heart.