Saturday, July 12, 2008

What's the deal?

I went to the eye doctor yesterday to get an eye exam for school, and I was reminded of a weird habit that we (mankind) all seem to have. When I told the eye doctor that I was getting the exam for dental school, he said, "Congratulations! You're in for four years of *&-%." He went on to repeat the previous vulgar phrase about five times while I was in the chair, as well as to tell several horror stories of how hard optometry school was for him and how hard dental school is going to be for me. First of all, I was amazed that a doctor would use language like that in a professional setting, but also surprised that he would say so many negative things to me--a person about to endure the four years"suffering." Then I remembered about the wedding talk. A few months ago when I was planning our wedding, anytime I told people what I was doing, they would tell me a story about how horrible their wedding was, or some disaster that happened at their friend's wedding, or how their mother-in-law called the police to complain about the noise from their own reception (true story). This habit of passing along horror stories is like an epidemic! I've even caught myself doing this from time to time, but you know what--it's time to stop. Stop the negativity, stop passing along the horror stories to people who are already horrified about the upcoming event, stop the hate. America, it's time to get on track. Fight the urge to tell your worst--just say, "Congratulations," and leave it at that. And only YOU can prevent forest fires, too. Haha.

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