Tuesday, March 13, 2012

If you can't say something nice...

My momma always told me, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."

So I haven't been saying anything at all on this blog for the last month, because the nicest thing has happened, and we couldn't tell anyone for the longest time...

We're having a baby!

Yes, Jeffrey and I are the proud parents of a 3 inch long, 13.5 week old fetus.  The baby is due in mid-September, and we are so very excited.  (No one, however, is as excited as our parents, who become grandparents for the first time upon the birth of this child.)

Here's a picture of our little one, affectionately called "Sprinkles" by my dental school friends, a nickname after my first craving as a pregnant woman.
Head is on the right, big tummy in the middle, leg sticking out to the left.  The weird white thing over the head is the baby's little fist rubbing its face, not some hugely long nose.

So, apparently we're going to be parents.  That ought to create some material for the blog, eh?


  1. yeah yeah! can't wait to meet baby edwards! :)

  2. Such awesome news! Yay, Baby Edwards!

  3. A little edwards! What wonderful news!

  4. Yeah!!!! I'm so happy for you and Jeffrey!

  5. I am a bit teary reading this. So excited for you both, and so excited for your mom and dad to have a grandbaby to spoil. Yayyyyy!!!!

  6. Are you in there little fetus?
    In nine months will you come greet us?
    I will buy you some Adidas...
