Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hoarding the Milky Way

Well, if you count this post in the tally, that makes two posts about pumping/breastfeeding/breast milk in one blog, so I have likely rid myself of any male readers.  Sorry about that.

Anyway, I feel compelled to confess that I am completely turning into a hoarder.  As in, one of those terrible people who have so much stuff that they have to stack it in piles to make walkways through their houses like a little ant farm.  Except that my problem isn't collecting things, per se, it's collecting milk.  Breast milk, more specifically.

I have a stash in the freezer three layers thick. 


Basically, there's enough milk there that Carter could blockade himself in the house and survive a siege without batting an eye.  And yet, I still refuse to waste even a drop.  I have been known to yell at my husband for spilling tiny amounts on the counter when he fills a bottle.  It KILLS me to pump and throw away milk down the drain (as I have to do if I have an adult beverage--so I pretty much don't do that any more).  And I shudder to even think of what would happen if I ever got behind on my pumping and saw the bottom of that freezer drawer again.  The horror!

So there you have it.  My obsession.  Superseded only by my obsession of taking pictures of my sweet baby boy.  Check out these winners!
Love him!

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