Saturday, December 27, 2014

4 Months

Well, little buddy, I would say that you're getting so big…but I think I've said that before.  At four months old you're tipping the scales at a whopping 16 pounds--that's somewhere in the 80th percentile. This Christmas when you went to sit on Santa's lap, Santa remarked, "He looks like a middle linebacker!"  (And he's right.)  We have lots of nicknames for you, including H-man, Chunkers, Cheeks, and Tubby.  We mean them all in the nicest way possible, of course!

This month you've gotten so very good at smiling.  You give us smiles for looking at you, sticking our tongues out at you, and singing to you.  You dole out screams if we leave a wet diaper on you one second longer than you would prefer, and if you have to wait one minute longer to eat than you would prefer.  No surprise there, right?

You're only 4 months old, but I feel like you're already trying to talk.  You have such an expressive little face with eyebrows that furrow as you 'talk' to me very seriously.  You've made friends with some toys this month, and you talk to them, too.  Every day you become more aware of the toys and noises and general craziness around you at our house.

Soon we'll have to start letting you sleep in your own room.  I'm not sure how we're going to do that since you still like to sleep in your little bassinet next to my bed while holding my hand, but somehow we will find a way.

You're just a big, cuddly darling, Harrison, and your smile still lights up my world.

Happy 27th, baby.

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