Thursday, October 9, 2008

Breast in Show

True story:

This morning I had a test in one of my classes, so I dressed up a little for the occasion. (I have this weird ritual of either dressing up on test days or dressing in camouflage so as to "go into battle with the test." What can I say? It works for me.)

Anyway, I wore these cute jeans that my mom bought for me last time she visited us (thanks, Mom!), a sweet little tank top, and some faux pearls that Mom got me, too. (Side note: I'm starting to think that I would have to go around naked if my mother didn't clothe me so nicely!)

I took my test and went to turn it in to my teacher who was seated at the front of the room. As I handed him my answer sheet and test copy, he looked straight at my chest and asked, "Wow...are those real?"

My immediate thought was, "Why is this teacher asking me if my breasts are real? I'm outraged! That is so sexual harassment-ish of him." Then I realized--he was asking about my pearls (which was important, because the answer would have been different if he were asking about the boobies)...

1 comment:

  1. oh hello fellow snooping friend! your story is really great - i had a professor once who insisted to talking to all the females' boobs instead of their faces... sigh! whats a girl to do?

    ps cute blog by the way
