Saturday, October 4, 2008

Is it a phone? A code? A sign? No, its....grandpa

I have never seen anything like this.

Lauren and I are sitting in the Saturday evening service at church. We have just finished the worship time, and the song leader asks everyone to be seated.

We greet those around us and take our seats to participate in communion. We have the prayer for the bread and juice, and then pass the plates for the weekly tithe. We then proceed to take out our Bible and prepare our hearts and minds for the message.

Then...without warning...we heard it.

This faint, sharp, clear, "click-click-click."

What was it, you ask? Well, we didn't know either. Was it someone's phone on a weird vibrate mode? No... Was it God messaging his Word to us via Morse Code? No... Was it the anxious, "are-we-done-yet" foot-tapping of the teenage boy behind us? No...

After a minute or two of guessing, we identified the source of the noise. An elderly man in the front in front of us was...


First of all, the sermon hadn't even started yet - he couldn't have been bored already. And since when did clipping your nails become an appropriate public - or for that matter, church- activity? And why was no one else noticing this?!

As soon as we saw him, Lauren leaned over to me and said, "Blog it."

So I did.

Not only did we leave church with a great "God lesson" from the preacher, but we also left with a valuable life-lesson:

If you choose to clip your nails away from home
Instead of listening to the word of God
Some attentive 22-year-olds may catch you-
And record your heinous act on their blog!

Until next time...

Good night, and good luck.

--Jeffrey D. Edwards

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