Friday, March 20, 2009

Laughter Is the Best Medicine

If you've been inside a junior high classroom in the last 20 years, chances are you've been "inspired" by one of these posters.

The general concept is: take a beautiful scenic picture, throw in a climber/adventurer/outdoorsman, and add a meaningful quote or phrase such as "Dedication," "Perseverance," "Ambition," etc. Basically, these posters exist to take up space and add color to the classroom; rarely do they ever convince their readers to act upon the phrase contained in the poster.

While they may not inspire their viewers to set and reach their goals, they most definitely inspire people to mercilessly mock these posters online. Here are some of the funniest (and cleanest) examples - enjoy!

(If you cannot read the smaller font, simply click on the picture and a larger version of the picture will be brought up.)

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