Monday, June 1, 2015

Don't beat yourself up

Carter (and probably every other 2 year old in the world) loves to monkey around in my car, scampering to the back seat or front seat instead of getting into his car seat so I can buckle him in. It's a mildly annoying habit in the best of circumstances, but on a day when it's pouring down rain on me and I've already been soaked on the other side of the car while putting Harrison in, it's exceedingly frustrating.

To combat this little behavior, I did a bit of mommy magic and started letting Carter crawl in on Harrison's side of the car, then asking him if he could 'beat me' to the other side of the car. That way, while I buckled little brother in, Carter would rush to his seat, and then I would run around to the other side of the car and pretend to be dismayed when I realized he had beaten me into his chair. 'I beat you!' he giggles, every time.

Pretty smart parenting, right? Well, don't give me the Mom of the Year award just yet.

Imagine my horror when today, at the library, Carter told several people, "When I get in the car, Mommy will beat me!"

OMG. Just sitting at he now waiting on the call from CPS.

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