Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cut It Out!

Ok, I'm sitting at Barnes & Noble trying to study a little bit for my Dental Board exam and suddenly my thoughts about gum disease and cavities are interrupted by a sharp, high-pitched, clicking sound. I look up from my flashcards to find that the middle-aged man next to me has started to clip his fingernails. In the middle of Barnes & Noble. In the EATING AREA. I have so many problems with this.

For those keeping count, this is the second blog post dedicated to anti-public nail-clipping. The last time we wrote about this it was because a man in front of us at church started to clip his TOEnails(!) during communion.

First of all, why is it that men can't seem to find room in their pockets for their keys and wallets (wives are always asked to stow these items in their purses), but they somehow always have space for nail clippers?

Secondly, what kind of freakishly fast nail growth necessitates carrying nail clippers on your person at all times? I think you need to see a doctor if this is something that happens to you.

Thirdly, since when is personal grooming ok to do in public? I'm sure I would get strange looks if I trimmed my beard in public...some things are meant for the privacy of a bathroom. (I don't really have a beard, guys, just trying to be funny.)

Fourthly, would it be too rude of me to make a barricade between myself and the offending nail clipper man from the People magazines next to us so that I can stop having to dodge projectile bits of fingernail heading my way?

Or I guess I could just say, "Cut it out!"

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