Wednesday, May 2, 2012

And we will call him

Besides calling our baby boy "sweet," "precious," "handsome," and probably sometimes "a mess," we will call him

Carter Robert Edwards.

We had decided long ago that the middle name would be Robert (after my dad, my grandfather, and Jeffrey's grandfather), but Jeffrey and I spent quite a bit of time mulling over the top four first names for our boy.  Carter won out in the end because it passed all the tests, which included:

Everyday errands:  Jeffrey, can you pick Carter up from daycare this afternoon at 3?

Yelling his name in an angry voice:  CARTER ROBERT EDWARDS!  Get in here RIGHT NOW!

Playing with friends/potential future spouse:  Carter and Camdyn love playing together.  (Camdyn is the baby girl of one of our best friends.)

Graduation day:  (Must be said slowly, in a deep, manly voice)  Carter Robert Edwards, summa cum laude.

Marriage ceremony:  Do you, Carter Robert Edwards, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife...

Professional career:  Dr. Carter Robert Edwards, D. D. S., M. D.  (Just in case he decides to become a doctor or dentist like his dad and mom.)

Have we completely lost our minds over this baby?  Yes.  The answer is a resounding "yes."

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