Tuesday, November 6, 2012

La popular vote

Well, it's election day and everyone is talking about who they voted for, when they voted, and where they voted.  I decided to follow the crowd and join in the conversation, so as I was working on a patient's tooth this morning, I asked his mom (who happens to be Mexican*), who was sitting in the room with us, who she thought was going to win the election.

*Her nationality is important to the story, I'm not racist.

She said, "I think Obama."

Not wanting to overstep my professional bounds by displaying my political preferences, I responded with a very non-committal, "You think so, huh?"

It was then that she locked eyes with me and said very sincerely, "Oh, yes.  He has to win.  All the Mexicans are voting for him...and there are a lot of Mexicans."

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