Saturday, July 25, 2009

Random Facts (this one's for you, Jesse)

I am a fan of fun, random trivia and facts. However, one of my friends is not merely a fan - he is the king of this useless knowledge. This post is dedicated to him; hopefully he can learn a few new facts here. As for the rest of you, feel free to use these to impress family and friends. The last one is, of course, the best, so if you don't want to read them all scroll down to the last one. Enjoy!

- Rats are incapable of vomiting.

- The Bureau of Standards says that the electron is the fastest thing in the world.

- On average people fear spiders more than death.

- There are only four words in the common English language that end in "-dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.

- Average life span of a major league baseball is between 5-7 pitches.

- "Go," is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.

- The reason firehouses have circular stairways is from the days when the engines were pulled by horses. The horses were stabled on the ground floor and figured out how to walk up straight staircases.

- 2 and 5 are the only prime numbers that end in 2 or 5.

- Cockroaches can live up to two weeks without a head because their brain is located throughout their body.

- Only one breed of dog is mentioned by name in the Bible: the Greyhound. (Proverbs 30:29-31, King James Version).

- Donald Duck’s middle name is Fauntleroy.

- Today, about five percent of the entire U.S. potato crop goes to make McDonald’s French fries.

- The Wright Brothers’ first successful flight on December 17, 1903 covered a distance of about 120 feet—shorter than the wingspan of a modern 747.

- Dock Ellis, a pitcher for the Pittsburgh Pirates in the 1970s, threw a no-hitter while under the influence of LSD. At certain points during the game, Ellis said he couldn’t see the batter or the catcher, and as a result, relied on the
baseball to tell him where to throw it.

- Minnows have teeth in their throats.

- The peacock is actually the male name of the peafowl. The female is called a peahen.

- The Michelin Man has a name – Bibendum, though close friends call him simply “Bib.”

- The tune to “The Star Spangled Banner” originates to the tune of an old drinking song,”The Anacreontic Song.”

- Duct tape was invented in 1942 for use by the U.S. Army as a waterproof sealing tape for ammunition boxes.

- The letter J does not appear anywhere in the periodic table of elements.

- No single word exists to identify the back of a person's knee.

- Until someone finds another one, "the sixth sick Sheikh's sixth sheep's sick" is the most difficult tongue twister on record.

- A raisin placed in champagne will sink and float from bottom to top over and over.

- Fifteen out of one hundred (15/100) people secretly chew their toe nails.

- The might of a hurricane is so strong that in ten minutes it expends more energy than the entire world's atomic weapons put together.

- In the English language, just two words end in "mt". They are dreamt and undreamt (Undreamt is defined as unimaginable).

- "Uncopyrightable" is the only fifteen-letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter.

- Most U.S. automobile horns honk in the "F" key.

- It is impossible to fold any piece of paper in half more than seven times consecutively.

- The only mammal with four knees is the elephant. It is also the only mammal that cannot jump.

And finally...

- The average sleeper swallows eight spiders in a lifetime at night. The average person also consumes about a pound of insects in a lifetime.

Have a fantastic day. Until next time...

Good night, and good luck



  1. Jordan chews his toenails... ok no. Sick. But that means that 15 people in my dental class do and 30 people from your class do. Hmmm...

  2. Dude I am humbled by a post dedicated to myself. Also I just added 6 facts to my arsenal, of course I have to warn you that those of us in the random facts community would raise a yellow flag to the paper, and spider/insect related facts. The best part is that whenever you say "duck tape" and people correct you, just punch them in the face, because the GI's originally called it that because of it's water proof quality.
