Monday, January 18, 2010


How wonderful it is to have a day that recognizes the achievements of a man named Martin Luther King. Using only the span of a life that was cut short, this man dreamed of the improbable, the unthinkable, the impossible, and helped to make it reality.

It wasn't long ago that the world accepted the notion that all men (and women, for that matter) were not created equal. Such an idea today would certainly be shouted down as nonsense. In America in the mid 1900s, black Americans faced seemingly insurmountable odds of gaining rights as citizens. Public opinion would not easily be changed. Laws governing the colors permitted to enter certain buildings would not quickly be amended. Vicious hatred hidden in cloaks the white hue of innocence would not be soon discarded.

And yet there were those who dared to dream the impossible dream. Somehow those dreams gave birth to strength, though not strength of bullets or spite, but strength of voices and fists beating desperately on podiums.

Imagine what we can do in the years to come if we continue to dream the impossible dreams...

The improbably, unthinkable, and even the impossible can become simply "tomorrow."

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