Saturday, November 5, 2011

myPhone, iPhone

**Disclaimer:  The following is a true story related to me by my friend, Maegan.  All parties are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Last week at school there was a patient (we'll call her Melissa) who came into the dental clinic for emergency care.  She was assigned to one of our fourth year dental students (we'll call her Sarah).  Sarah began her initial exam as per usual, but at one point needed to return to the dispensary to get some supplies for the treatment.  She knew that she had left her cell phone on the counter next to her computer, however, when she returned a few minutes later, it was gone. 

Naturally, she suspected that the patient might have taken it, but trying to give Melissa the benefit of the doubt, she asked, "Did someone come in here while I was gone?"

Melissa quickly responded, "Nope.  It's just been me in here."  (*Side note:  Melissa, this is where you could really have improved your situation.  You could have said that a man in a ski mask ran in and stole the phone.  You could have said that another patient took it.  Instead, you basically said, "Nope.  I'm the only suspect in the lineup!")

Now even more suspicious, but trying to cover her bases, Sarah asked some students nearby if they had moved or seen her phone.  All said that they hadn't, so Sarah came back to Melissa.  She gave her one more chance, asking if Melissa had "moved" the phone rather than asking if she had "stolen" it.  Melissa again denied any knowledge of the phone's whereabouts.

Frustrated, Sarah said, "Alright, then.  I'm going to call security because they need to search and I need to file a report.  I'll be right back."

As she turned to call the campus police, Melissa suddenly said, "Oh, I don't know where your phone is, but I do remember that there were two phones on the counter.  I didn't pick up yours, but I picked up the other one."

At this point, Melissa pulled Sarah's phone out of her pocket.  It no longer had the case on it, but it was her phone.  Sarah looked at it and said, "Hey, that's my phone!"

Melissa (clearly with the IQ of a rock) said, "No it isn't, it's the other phone."  (*Again, Melissa, this was a misstep.  Putting aside the fact that this is a lame excuse, even if it had been the truth, you STILL would be guilty of stealing because neither phone was YOUR phone.)

Sarah took her phone back...and Melissa got escorted to the police station.

Just another day in paradise.

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