Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Horsey says 'Nay'

Tomorrow I will be 16 weeks pregnant, well into my second trimester, a time period which has oft been referred to as the 'honeymoon' of pregnancy since you are past the nausea of the first trimester but not to the bloated, weight-laden third trimester yet.

Well, somebody forgot to send me the memo.

Quick disclaimer: it seems that a disproportionately large number of my friends are struggling with infertility issues right now, and yet here I am about to complain about my perfectly healthy second child who occasionally causes me to throw up. Please don't let my words sound like complaints to you, friends. I hope it sounds like a funny story that you can laugh at now and then remember later and laugh about again when you're going through it yourself .  Moving on...

So this morning, like many other mornings during this pregnancy, I woke up feeling awful but managed to feed Carter breakfast and get him ready for preschool before attempting to get myself ready for work.

Just as I finished putting my hair back into a clip (the professional woman's ponytail, you know) I felt that feeling that sends you bowing before the porcelain throne. Carter must have felt it, too, because while I was still *ahem* busy he came over to check on me. How sweet, I thought, between violent dry heaves. But that thought was short-lived as I soon felt Carter's tiny hands on my back, following by his own guttural noises as he hoisted his whole body onto my back. He giggled since the sensation for him was much like when he and daddy play 'horsey.'  I did not.

You really haven't thrown up until you've thrown up with a toddler on your back. This horsey says 'Nay."

1 comment:

  1. I just read this and I am crack.ing.up. How have I not heard about this until now?! You are a great story teller who always makes me laugh :)
