Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Time for a little blog "ketchup" to recap what's been going on since I last wrote.

Speaking of ketchup--guess what Carter's favorite condiment is? You guessed it--red, staining, sticky-when-dried ketchup. But you know what? He also has developed a serious bout of pickiness, but if I give him some ketchup to dip his fish sticks/fingers/peanut butter sandwiches in, down the hatch it goes. So if you hear me at a restaurant ordering applesauce with a side of ketchup, well...avert your eyes, I guess. One man's condiment is another toddler's main dish.

Speaking of toddlers, we're going to have another one (in a few years, that is). I'm pregnant with another baby boy due in September. Sound familiar? Yes, I've said that exact thing before. It appears we are not very creative when it comes to baby-having. However, we are very excited about our next little September boy. He doesn't have a name yet, but we'll get to that as soon as I start spending less time dealing with morning sickness that lasts all day. That's been a full time job this time around!

Tomorrow I turn 28 years old. To celebrate, I'm going to go to work, haha. Honestly, though, I think this is going to be one of my happiest birthdays yet. I feel so blessed to have all that I do. I have a wonderful husband who works very hard every day but worked an extra shift to buy me a necklace from Tiffany this year. I have a sweet boy who calls me mama in a precious voice that melts my heart. I have another boy on the way who will undoubtedly steal my heart just like his big brother. I have a job that let's me practice what I love and still have ample time to dote on my boys. I have a solid church family who supports me weekly and any hard days in between. I have a God who gives me a deep peace and joy that cannot be unsettled by things of this world. I really think I might have it all, and I'm so grateful that I don't even mind getting a year closer to 30...

Almost. :)

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