Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Weekend Update

Last weekend Jeffrey and I went to Abilene to see family, friends, and the ACU Wildcat Homecoming celebration. It was so much fun!

My favorite part was going to the parade Saturday morning and seeing tons of our friends that we hadn't seen in months. There was so much excitement and laughter as we all updated each other on new jobs and schools and marriages. (There was especially some laughter as the newly-married guys talked about all the burned, undercooked, and monotonous macaroni meals they have had to eat since the wedding day!)

My mom and I did a little shopping on Saturday afternoon while Jeffrey went to the football game with some friends. We met him there later, but much to my dismay, my sweet pale-skinned husband had been fried by the West Texas sun into a little lolly-popster (that's what the younger version of myself used to call lobsters). We are still applying aloe vera, lotion, and milk-soaked washcloths to his face, but it looks like blisters are on their way.

On Saturday night, Jeffrey and I went to the ACU Homecoming musical, All Shook Up. The musical is based on the music of Elvis Presley. We both enjoyed it very much. (Thanks again for the tickets, Grandmother Beth!) The musical itself we both thought was a little on the light side--simply meant for entertainment, not really for serious theater, but the comedic timing was right on par, and the vocal presentation was absolutely superb. Jeanette Lipford sure knows how to make people sing!

Those of you reading who know my mom probably already know how awesome she is, but for those of you who don't, allow me to demonstrate. Both times that Jeffrey and I have visited Abilene since we moved away, my mom has not only cleaned our room and put fresh sheets on the bed, but she has also made us a little gift basket of canned goods, cereal, chips, toilet paper, paper towels, and other grocery goodies to take home with us. What a great surprise! (In the future, though, she will probably also be including sweet-and-low packets because she found out last weekend when we were eating at Carino's that we take sweet-and-low from restaurant tables so that we don't have to buy any ourselves. She calls it stealing--we call it resourceful. I mean, we only take the ones that are on OUR table...that's ok, right?)

With the election coming up, I feel like it is my American duty to share the following with you: One of my dental school friends passed a homeless man the other day. The homeless man was holding a sign that read Vote for Obama: I need the money.

One final thing--does anyone know of a good, fun, cheap Halloween costume for Jeffrey and me? We have a Halloween party this weekend and though I have come up with several outstanding ideas, Jeffrey has veto-ed them all. Examples: We could be "Cardiac arrest." Jeffrey could dress as a police officer and I could be the heart. We could be a doctor and a dentist (except Jeffrey would be the dentist and I would be the doctor--crazy!). We could be Dr. Pepper: Jeffrey wears his white coat, and I come as a pepper shaker.

Again, Jeffrey has veto-ed all of these ideas. Anyone else have a good one?

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