Thursday, November 6, 2008

The 1st Blog Amendment

I have been asked by my father to retract the previous statements I made on the blog about him not having any hobbies. He has assured me that he does, in fact, have many hobbies. His hobbies are traveling, raquetball, and reading., I'm thinking of buying him either lots of raquetballs, some cute shorty-shorts to wear when he's playing, or one of those goofy necklaces you are supposed to wear around airports that filter the bacteria out of the nasty airport air that you breathe. Decisions, decisions.

Honestly, it's always hard to think of things to get for Dad for his birthday or for Father's Day or for Christmas. It's really not that he doesn't have interests, it's that he just doesn't like "stuff." As far as I can tell, Dad is much more interested in relationships, events, experiences, and memorable moments. I think that's why most of his hobbies require few materials or money. In fact, the only big material thing I ever remember him asking for was his Harley--but seriously, everyone has a weakness, right?

So court reporter, please strike the former comments about "no hobbies" from the record!

As an aside--I was disappointed to read the "Comments" portion of the bottom of an article about the new president-elect. Many people had said very hateful things about the new president-elect, including the use of that nasty "N-word" that I wish with all my heart had been eradicated with the emancipation of the slaves in America. Some of the ugliest comments made threats on Senator Obama's life. The only up-side to this story? The person who made the threat on the Senator's life spelled his name "O-b-o-m-m-a," so hopefully if he tries to actually find out where this guy lives, he'll never figure it out.

...but watch out if you last name is Obomma, I guess!

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