Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Current State of the United States

I tried to not blog about the election--I really did. But it turns out that the idea of blogging about the election just kept coming to my mind...exactly the way that the last Hershey's bar in my fridge kept coming to my mind. So I gave up. I ate the candy bar and I'm blogging about the election. I win.

I will admit, I was frustrated last night as I watched the poll results be projected on the US map. I wanted McCain to win for several reasons, the most important of which (for Jeffrey and me) having to do with Obama's thoughts on heathcare in America. Anyway, I was sad when the final numbers were in, and even sadder when I heard the humble and honorable speech McCain gave to his supporters as he conceded the race.

In any case, though, I was really impressed by the fact that the majority of Americans were able to look past race when voting in this presidencial election. Of course, I'm sure that some people may have voted for Obama just because he is black, and probably some others didn't vote for Obama just because he is black, but all in all--go America! What a long way we've come from a general opinion in this country that African Americans weren't even people all the way to an African American president.

It's just so silly, the discrimination based on race. Here's a fun fact from one of my college science classes to explain why: Essentially all people (regardless of race) produce the same amounts of melanin, the pigment that makes your skin dark, the only difference between our skin color is that some people have more cells that break down that pigment before it gets to the surface. So loosely speaking, we're all black! Ha ha. Tell that to your racist friends and watch them cry...

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