Monday, December 1, 2008

Much Blog About Nothing

It's true--I don't really have much to blog about these days, but I feel compelled to break this blog-less silence that has settled on this webpage...

One little funny did happen last week. Just before Thanksgiving, several of my teachers got together in a meeting to brainstorm evil ideas to use to torture dental students. The product of the villainous lunch was a schedule that included two tests immediately preceding Thanksgiving break, and two tests immediately following Thanksgiving break--so as to make the students feel as if there were no break at all. During one of the first tests, however, I interrupted my professor's evil Disney character-like "Muah-ha-ha!" laughter with some of my own giggles.

The test was in dental anatomy. Dental anatomy is all about knowing every detail about how each tooth looks in detail. The tests have proven to be rather difficult for me because they involve remembering charts with lots of numbers which are largely unimportant to the casual study-er (like the lengths in millimeters of all the teeth in the mouth from every conceivable side). While these things are difficult to remember, we students do have one resource on our sides--our own teeth! They can't take those away for the test, and it's not considered cheating to use your own dentition to help you on the test.

Needless to say, my giggles erupted when I turned around to glance at the clock and saw 97 adult dental students with various combinations of their fingers, hands, and pencils in their mouths feeling for answers. What a lovely group of professionals we are!

Jeffrey and I had a great Thanksgiving break which we spent at his parents house in Fort Worth. Complete with turkey and stuffing, the meal was incredible and the company was even better. Jeffrey's cousins got a new puppy and only one of our fish died while we were gone (R. I. P. Dolly), so I'd say it was a pretty successful holiday. We have much to be thankful for this year!

Only a couple of weeks until school is out for us and our brains can go on temporary vacation. Mine will probably go into a blissful, study-free coma...

1 comment:

  1. You didn't tell me Dolly the Molly died!! How is she going to make babies now??
