Friday, May 15, 2009

One Down, Three to Go

As of 9:00 am today, I completed my first year of dental school.

(Pausing for applause...)

I think I am still in shock at this feeling of relief. During this past school year I often took breaks from studying for hours or even days just to rest my mind, but I always felt guilty in those breaks because I felt that I should have been studying. Now, however, I have firmly planted myself on the couch, and take my most wonderful break from school. Nine whole weeks of nothing stretch out before the start of my second year. Yay!

I was wondering, though: Will I still have things to blog about when school is not in session? Never fear, faithful readers, I'm going on family vacation next month, and you KNOW there are always stories from those trips!

In honor of the close of the semester, I share one more whiny blog posting about dental school in the form of this Venn diagram that one of my classmates sent me to describe how he (and the rest of us) felt about some of our finals.
And with that, I bid adieu to my first year and hello to summer break.

*Special note to my mom: I'm so sorry that you STILL have school. Your students are lucky to have a teacher like you who keeps going strong even at the end of the year! (They really are lucky--they just act like they're being tortured.)

1 comment:

  1. I was going to post that! Uuuuggghhh! It made me laugh really hard b/c It is so true!!
