Thursday, February 26, 2009

Beauty and the Yeast

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I decided that my life would not be complete unless I attempted to bake homemade wheat bread. I was envisioning a beautiful light and fluffy loaves with a crisp oven-baked crust (just like they have at the Outback). The result I got was quite a bit different from the Outback version, but let me assure you--it was a success. The proof is in the pudding (bread) below.

There may not be anything more delightful in the world than a freshly baked loaf of wheaty bread! I even sliced some this morning for french toast--delicious.
Tomorrow will be the true test when I take it to school for my friends to snack on. We'll see if it gets rave reviews or if some poor soul says something like, "Oh, it tastes just like Mrs. Bairds!" and feels the cold wind of my wrath. (My bread is nothing like Mrs. Baird's bread--hers is not homemade. Let the record show.)

I did have a picture to put on here of Jeffrey's current "sick bed," but I was censored by his very nasally congested voice begging, "Please don't put that on the blog!" Suffice it to say that his sick bed includes himself, a rumpled assortment of dirty Kleenexes, his laptop, his iPod, several of his binders for school, a glass of limeade, cough drops, and a hole punch.

The man does have a big test tomorrow, but in the mean time, I am wondering where I am going to sleep...?

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